Friday 6 January 2012

Results from today:

Max C 3oth
Alex 33rd
Martin 33rd
Max M 43rd
Pippa 49th

Provisional Overall (no discard):

Max C 18th
Alex 43rd
Pippa 81st
Max M 98th
Martin 108th
Sailing in. White horses in the harbour! If you zoom in you can see some of the Brits.
Wind too strong. Fleet returning to shore.
From Robbie:

'R1 max c and matan recovered well to somewhere in twenties. Other 3 also recovered from bad starts to finish 40 - 50 ies'

The wind has shifted right. The race team are re-laying the marks, but a big red ship is in the way!
The wind has picked up. Some boats getting towed in (none of ours).

Who nicked the sail ties off Alex's boom? The Italians are prime suspects, but no firm evidence.